pgBackRest Schrödinger’s backups

FOSDEM PostgreSQL Devroom

Stefan Fercot

(2 February 2020)

Who Am I?

  • Stefan Fercot
  • aka. pgstef
  • PostgreSQL user since 2010
  • pgBackRest fan
  • @dalibo since 2017


  • Services




  • Based in France
  • Contributing to PostgreSQL community


  • pgBackRest
    • what is it ?
    • typical use cases
  • check_pgbackrest
    • what do we have to monitor and how to do it ?

Write-Ahead Log (WAL)

  • transactions written sequentially
    • COMMIT when data are flushed to disk
  • WAL replay after a crash
    • make the database consistent

Point-In-Time Recovery (PITR)

  • combine
    • file-system-level backup
    • continuous archiving of the WAL files
  • restore the file-system-level backup and replay the archived WAL files
  • not mandatory to replay the WAL entries all the way to the end


  • aims to be a simple, reliable backup and restore system
  • written in C (since version 2.21)
  • custom protocol
    • local or remote operation (via SSH)
  • multi-process
  • full/differential/incremental backup
  • backup rotation and archive expiration
  • parallel, asynchronous WAL push and get
  • Amazon S3 support
  • encryption

Setup - Archiving

# postgresql.conf
archive_mode = on
archive_command = 'pgbackrest --stanza=my_stanza archive-push %p'


$ pgbackrest --stanza=my_stanza stanza-create
P00   INFO: stanza-create command begin 2.23: ...
P00   INFO: stanza-create command end: completed successfully

$ pgbackrest --stanza=my_stanza check
P00   INFO: check command begin 2.23: ...
P00   INFO: WAL segment 000000010000000000000001 successfully archived to ...
P00   INFO: check command end: completed successfully

Full backup

$ pgbackrest --stanza=my_stanza --type=full backup
P00   INFO: backup command begin 2.23: ...
P00   INFO: execute non-exclusive pg_start_backup() with label "...": 
backup begins after the requested immediate checkpoint completes
P00   INFO: backup start archive = 000000010000000000000003, lsn = 0/3000060
P00   INFO: full backup size = 24.2MB
P00   INFO: execute non-exclusive pg_stop_backup() and wait for all WAL segments 
to archive
P00   INFO: backup stop archive = 000000010000000000000003, lsn = 0/3000138
P00   INFO: new backup label = 20200131-150158F
P00   INFO: backup command end: completed successfully
P00   INFO: expire command begin 2.23: ...
P00   INFO: expire command end: completed successfully

Differential backup

$ pgbackrest --stanza=my_stanza --type=diff backup
P00   INFO: backup command begin 2.23: ...
P00   INFO: last backup label = 20200131-150158F, version = 2.23
P00   INFO: execute non-exclusive pg_start_backup() with label "...": 
backup begins after the requested immediate checkpoint completes
P00   INFO: backup start archive = 000000010000000000000005, lsn = 0/5000028
P00   INFO: diff backup size = 24.2MB
P00   INFO: execute non-exclusive pg_stop_backup() and wait for all WAL segments 
to archive
P00   INFO: backup stop archive = 000000010000000000000005, lsn = 0/5000138
P00   INFO: new backup label = 20200131-150158F_20200131-150245D
P00   INFO: backup command end: completed successfully
P00   INFO: expire command begin 2.23: ...
P00   INFO: expire command end: completed successfully

Incremental backup

$ pgbackrest --stanza=my_stanza --type=incr backup
P00   INFO: backup command begin 2.23: ...
P00   INFO: last backup label = 20200131-150158F_20200131-150245D, version = 2.23
P00   INFO: execute non-exclusive pg_start_backup() with label "...": 
backup begins after the requested immediate checkpoint completes
P00   INFO: backup start archive = 000000010000000000000007, lsn = 0/7000028
P00   INFO: incr backup size = 24.2MB
P00   INFO: execute non-exclusive pg_stop_backup() and wait for all WAL segments 
to archive
P00   INFO: backup stop archive = 000000010000000000000007, lsn = 0/7000138
P00   INFO: new backup label = 20200131-150158F_20200131-150410I
P00   INFO: backup command end: completed successfully
P00   INFO: expire command begin 2.23: ...
P00   INFO: expire command end: completed successfully

INFO command

$ pgbackrest info --stanza=my_stanza
stanza: my_stanza
status: ok
cipher: none

db (current)
  wal archive min/max (12-1): 000000010000000000000003/000000010000000000000007

  full backup: 20200131-150158F
    timestamp start/stop: 2020-01-31 15:01:58 / 2020-01-31 15:02:14
    wal start/stop: 000000010000000000000003 / 000000010000000000000003
    database size: 24.2MB, backup size: 24.2MB
    repository size: 2.9MB, repository backup size: 2.9MB

Typical use cases

  • Local storage
  • Remote storage
  • S3 storage

Local storage (1)

# /etc/pgbackrest.conf 



Repository Type Option (--repo-type)
Type of storage used for the repository.
The following repository types are supported:

    cifs - Like posix, but disables links and directory fsyncs
    posix - Posix-compliant file systems
    s3 - AWS Simple Storage Service

Be careful with CIFS !

Remote storage (2)

  • pgsql-srv
  • backup-srv

Command execution with remote storage

  • pgsql-srv
    • archive_command
    • restore
  • backup-srv
    • backup

S3 storage (3)




$ sudo yum install nagios-plugins-pgbackrest-1.7-1.noarch.rpm
Package                                   Repository
 nagios-plugins-pgbackrest                nagios-plugins-pgbackrest-1.7-1.noarch

Installing for dependencies:
 nagios-common                            epel
 nagios-plugins                           epel
 perl-IO-Tty                              base
 perl-JSON                                base
 perl-Net-SFTP-Foreign                    epel
 perl-Sort-Key                            epel
$ /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_pgbackrest --version
check_pgbackrest version 1.7, Perl 5.16.3

Available services

$ check_pgbackrest --list

List of available services:
  archives          Check WAL archives.
  check_pgb_version Check the version of this check_pgbackrest script.
  retention         Check the retention policy.


  • Fails when
    • the number of full backups is less than --retention-full
    • the newest backup is older than --retention-age
    • the newest full backup is older than --retention-age-to-full


$ check_pgbackrest --stanza=my_stanza 
  --service=retention --retention-full=1

BACKUPS_RETENTION OK - backups policy checks ok | 
  full=1 diff=1 incr=1 
  latest=incr,20200131-150158F_20200131-150410I latest_age=120s


$ check_pgbackrest --stanza=my_stanza 
  --service=retention --retention-full=1 --output=human

Service        : BACKUPS_RETENTION
Returns        : 0 (OK)
Message        : backups policy checks ok
Long message   : full=1
Long message   : diff=1
Long message   : incr=1
Long message   : latest=incr,20200131-150158F_20200131-150410I
Long message   : latest_age=2m24s

Multiple arguments together

$ check_pgbackrest --stanza=my_stanza 
  --service=retention --retention-full=1 --output=human
  --retention-age=24h --retention-age-to-full=7d

Service        : BACKUPS_RETENTION
Returns        : 0 (OK)
Message        : backups policy checks ok
Long message   : full=1
Long message   : diff=1
Long message   : incr=1
Long message   : latest=incr,20200131-150158F_20200131-150410I
Long message   : latest_age=2m47s
Long message   : latest_full=20200131-150158F
Long message   : latest_full_age=5m

Whatever the backups location ?

Only based on pgbackrest info output!

WALs archives check

  • The pgbackrest info command
    • shows the oldest (min) archive and the most recent one (max)
    • doesn’t check if all the archives in between are really on the disk
    • doesn’t give the age of the most recent archive (until 2.21)

How ?

  • 000000010000000200000003
    • 00000001 : time-line
    • 00000002 : wal
    • 00000003 : segment
  • initdb --wal-segsize=size
    • since v11
    • by default 16MB
    • 256 segments per wal (>= v9.3)

Check for each segment, wal after wal!

Time-line switch

# 00000002.history 
1 0/9000000 no recovery target specified
  • Segment : 000000010000000000000009

Example : Oops (1)

$ createdb bench
$ pgbench -i -s 100 bench
$ pgbackrest info --stanza=my_stanza
stanza: my_stanza
status: ok
cipher: none

db (current)
  wal archive min/max (12-1): 000000010000000000000003/00000001000000000000004D

Local storage (1)

$ check_pgbackrest --stanza=my_stanza 
  --service=archives --repo-path=/var/lib/pgbackrest/archive

WAL_ARCHIVES OK - 81 WAL archived, latest archived since 1m27s | 
  latest_archive_age=87s num_archives=81


$ check_pgbackrest --stanza=my_stanza
  --service=archives --repo-path=/var/lib/pgbackrest/archive --output=human
Service        : WAL_ARCHIVES
Returns        : 0 (OK)
Message        : 81 WAL archived
Message        : latest archived since 1m59s
Long message   : latest_archive_age=1m59s
Long message   : num_archives=81
Long message   : archives_dir=/var/lib/pgbackrest/archive/my_stanza/12-1
Long message   : min_wal=000000010000000000000003
Long message   : max_wal=000000010000000000000053
Long message   : oldest_archive=000000010000000000000003
Long message   : latest_archive=000000010000000000000053
Long message   : latest_bck_archive_start=000000010000000000000007
Long message   : latest_bck_type=incr

Oops (2)

$ rm -rf [...]/archive/my_stanza/12-1/0000000100000000/00000001000000000000001*
$ pgbackrest info --stanza=my_stanza
stanza: my_stanza
status: ok
cipher: none

db (current)
  wal archive min/max (12-1): 000000010000000000000003/000000010000000000000053

pgBackRest doesn’t report any error!

Oops (3)

$ check_pgbackrest --stanza=my_stanza 
  --service=archives --repo-path=/var/lib/pgbackrest/archive --output=human
Service        : WAL_ARCHIVES
Returns        : 2 (CRITICAL)
Message        : wrong sequence or missing file @ '000000010000000000000010'
Message        : wrong sequence or missing file @ '00000001000000000000001F'
Long message   : min_wal=000000010000000000000003
Long message   : max_wal=000000010000000000000053
Long message   : oldest_archive=000000010000000000000003
Long message   : latest_archive=000000010000000000000053
Long message   : latest_bck_archive_start=000000010000000000000007
Long message   : latest_bck_type=incr
  • WARNING if missing archive < latest_bck_archive_start
    • CRITICAL otherwise

Remote storage (2)

  • from pgsql-srv
    • consider remote storage with --repo-host and --repo-host-user
    • Net::SFTP::Foreign
  • from backup-srv
    • consider local storage

--repo-host, --repo-host-user

$ check_pgbackrest --stanza=my_stanza 
  --service=archives --repo-path=/var/lib/pgbackrest/archive 
  --repo-host="backup-srv" --repo-host-user=postgres

WAL_ARCHIVES OK - 4 WAL archived, latest archived since 25m30s | 
  latest_archive_age=25m30s num_archives=4

S3 storage (3)

  • Get repo1-s3-key and repo1-s3-key-secret
    • from pgBackRest configuration
    • Config::IniFiles
  • Connection API Net::Amazon::S3

--repo-s3, --repo-s3-over-http

$ check_pgbackrest --stanza=my_stanza 
  --service=archives --repo-path=/repo1/archive 
  --repo-s3 --repo-s3-over-http

WAL_ARCHIVES OK - 4 WAL archived, latest archived since 1m7s | 
  latest_archive_age=1m7s num_archives=4

Go further

  • --ignore-archived-before
    • ignores the archived WALs generated before the provided interval
    • used to only check the latest archives
  • --ignore-archived-after
    • ignores the archived WALs generated after the provided interval
    • used under heavy archiving load
  • --latest-archive-age-alert
    • defines the max age of the latest archived WAL before raising the alert

Monitoring systems

  • Output format compatible with many monitoring systems
    • Nagios
    • Naemon
    • Icinga

Retention (local storage)

object CheckCommand "by_ssh_pgbackrest_retention" {
  import "by_ssh"
  vars.by_ssh_command = "/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_pgbackrest 
  --stanza=\$stanza$ --service=retention 
  --retention-full=\$retention_full$ --prefix='\$prefix$'"
object Service "pgbackrest_retention" {
  import "generic-service"
  host_name = "pgsql-srv"
  check_command = "by_ssh_pgbackrest_retention"
  vars.by_ssh_logname = "accessed_by_ssh"

  vars.stanza = "my_stanza"
  vars.retention_full = 1
  vars.prefix = "sudo -u postgres"

Archives (local storage)

object CheckCommand "by_ssh_pgbackrest_archives" {
  import "by_ssh"
  vars.by_ssh_command = "/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_pgbackrest 
  --stanza=\$stanza$ --service=archives 
  --repo-path=\$repo_path$ --prefix='\$prefix$'"
object Service "pgbackrest_archives" {
  import "generic-service"
  host_name = "pgsql-srv"
  check_command = "by_ssh_pgbackrest_archives"
  vars.by_ssh_logname = "accessed_by_ssh"

  vars.stanza = "my_stanza"
  vars.repo_path = "/var/lib/pgbackrest/archive"
  vars.prefix = "sudo -u postgres"

Tests using Vagrant

[check_pgbackrest]$ ls test
Makefile  perf  provision  regress  ssh  Vagrantfile
  • : CentOS 7
  • vm.provider : libvirt

Test case 1

  • pgBackRest configured to backup and archive locally on a CIFS mount point
  • icinga-srv executes check_pgbackrest commands through SSH with Icinga 2
  • pgsql-srv stores the PostgreSQL cluster to backup with pgBackRest
  • backup-srv stores the CIFS share

Test case 2

  • pgBackRest configured to backup and archive remotely
  • icinga-srv executes check_pgbackrest commands through SSH with Icinga 2
  • pgsql-srv stores the PostgreSQL cluster to backup with pgBackRest
  • backup-srv stores the pgBackRest backups and archives
  • pgBackRest backups are used to build a standby PostgreSQL server (using Streaming Replication) on backup-srv

Test case 3

  • pgBackRest configured to backup and archive on a MinIO S3 bucket
  • icinga-srv executes check_pgbackrest commands through SSH with Icinga 2
  • pgsql-srv stores the PostgreSQL cluster to backup with pgBackRest
  • backup-srv stores the MinIO server

Evolution (1)

  • Use the pgbackrest ls command
    • to get the archives list
    • mtime available since 2.21
    • need a cat command for the .history files
$ pgbackrest help ls
pgBackRest 2.23 - 'ls' command help

List paths/files in the repository.

This is intended to be a general purpose list function, but for now it only
works on the repository.

Command Options:

  --filter                         filter output with a regular expression
  --output                         output format [default=text]
  --recurse                        include all subpaths in output [default=n]
  --sort                           sort output ascending, descending, or none

Evolution (2)

  • Debian support
    • specific test cases
    • .deb package ?


  • Any contribution is welcome!
  • CHANGELOG examples
    • Fix bad behavior on CIFS mount (reported by renesepp)
    • Add Amazon s3 support for archives service (Andrew E. Bruno)


  • Use backup tools
  • Don’t trust their reports
  • Try to restore your backups and…
    • monitor them!

Questions ?